email verification code example
Example 1: validate email
# Language: Perl
sub Validate_Email($)
my $sEmail = $_[0];
my $sRetMsg = "";
my $sUserNmRegex = "^[[:alnum:]]+([.!#\$\%&'*+-\/=?^_'{|]?[[:alnum:]]+)*";
my $sDomainRegex = "@[[:alnum:]]+([.-]{1}[[:alnum:]]+)*";
my $sEndRegex = "([.]{1}[[:alnum:]]+)+";
# Work
if ($sEmail =~ /$sUserNmRegex$sDomainRegex$sEndRegex$/) {
$sRetMsg = "Email is valid";
else {
$sRetMsg = "Email is not valid";
return $sRetMsg;
my $sEmail = '[email protected]';
print "[Email:$sEmail] : " . Validate_Email($sEmail) . "\n";
# OUTPUT -> [Email:[email protected]] : Email is valid
Example 2: what is verification
Verification is the process, to ensure that
whether we are building the product right
to verify the requirements which we have
and to verify whether we are developing the
product accordingly or not.