Embed resources (eg, shader code; images) into executable/library with CMake

One of the easiest ways to do this is to include a small, portable C program in your build that reads the resource and generates a C file that contains the length of the resource data and the actual resource data as an array of constant character literals. This will be entirely platform independent, but should only be used for resources that are reasonably small. For larger resources, you probably don't want to embed the files in your program.

For resource "foo", the generated C file "foo.c" would contain:

const char foo[] = { /* bytes of resource foo */ };
const size_t foo_len = sizeof(foo);

To access the resource from C++, you declare the following two symbols in either a header or the cpp file where they're used:

extern "C" const char foo[];
extern "C" const size_t foo_len;

To generate foo.c in the build, you need a target for the C program (call it embedfile.c), and you need to use the add_custom_command command to call this program:

add_executable(embedfile embedfile.c)

  OUTPUT foo.c
  COMMAND embedfile foo foo.rsrc
  DEPENDS foo.rsrc)

Then, include foo.c on the source list of a target that requires the "foo" resource. You now have access to the bytes of "foo".

The program embedfile.c is:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

FILE* open_or_exit(const char* fname, const char* mode)
  FILE* f = fopen(fname, mode);
  if (f == NULL) {
  return f;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  if (argc < 3) {
    fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s {sym} {rsrc}\n\n"
        "  Creates {sym}.c from the contents of {rsrc}\n",
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  const char* sym = argv[1];
  FILE* in = open_or_exit(argv[2], "r");

  char symfile[256];
  snprintf(symfile, sizeof(symfile), "%s.c", sym);

  FILE* out = open_or_exit(symfile,"w");
  fprintf(out, "#include <stdlib.h>\n");
  fprintf(out, "const char %s[] = {\n", sym);

  unsigned char buf[256];
  size_t nread = 0;
  size_t linecount = 0;
  do {
    nread = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), in);
    size_t i;
    for (i=0; i < nread; i++) {
      fprintf(out, "0x%02x, ", buf[i]);
      if (++linecount == 10) { fprintf(out, "\n"); linecount = 0; }
  } while (nread > 0);
  if (linecount > 0) fprintf(out, "\n");
  fprintf(out, "};\n");
  fprintf(out, "const size_t %s_len = sizeof(%s);\n\n",sym,sym);


  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Pure CMake function to convert any file into C/C++ source code, implemented with only CMake commands:

# This function converts any file into C/C++ source code.
# Example:
# - input file: data.dat
# - output file: data.h
# - variable name declared in output file: DATA
# - data length: sizeof(DATA)
# embed_resource("data.dat" "data.h" "DATA")

function(embed_resource resource_file_name source_file_name variable_name)

    file(READ ${resource_file_name} hex_content HEX)

    string(REPEAT "[0-9a-f]" 32 column_pattern)
    string(REGEX REPLACE "(${column_pattern})" "\\1\n" content "${hex_content}")

    string(REGEX REPLACE "([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])" "0x\\1, " content "${content}")

    string(REGEX REPLACE ", $" "" content "${content}")

    set(array_definition "static const unsigned char ${variable_name}[] =\n{\n${content}\n};")

    set(source "// Auto generated file.\n${array_definition}\n")

    file(WRITE "${source_file_name}" "${source}")



As an alternative to the answer of sfstewman, here's a small cmake (2.8) function to convert all files in a specific folder to C data and write them in wished output file:

# Creates C resources file from files in given directory
function(create_resources dir output)
    # Create empty output file
    file(WRITE ${output} "")
    # Collect input files
    file(GLOB bins ${dir}/*)
    # Iterate through input files
    foreach(bin ${bins})
        # Get short filename
        string(REGEX MATCH "([^/]+)$" filename ${bin})
        # Replace filename spaces & extension separator for C compatibility
        string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.| |-" "_" filename ${filename})
        # Read hex data from file
        file(READ ${bin} filedata HEX)
        # Convert hex data for C compatibility
        string(REGEX REPLACE "([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])" "0x\\1," filedata ${filedata})
        # Append data to output file
        file(APPEND ${output} "const unsigned char ${filename}[] = {${filedata}};\nconst unsigned ${filename}_size = sizeof(${filename});\n")

I would like to propose another alternative. It uses the GCC linker to directly embed a binary file into the executable, with no intermediary source file. Which in my opinion is simpler and more efficient.

set( RC_DEPENDS "" )

function( add_resource input )
    string( MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER ${input} input_identifier )
    set( output "${CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${input_identifier}.o" )
    target_link_libraries( ${PROJECT_NAME} ${output} )

        OUTPUT ${output}
        COMMAND ${CMAKE_LINKER} --relocatable --format binary --output ${output} ${input}
        DEPENDS ${input}

    set( RC_DEPENDS ${RC_DEPENDS} ${output} PARENT_SCOPE )

# Resource file list
add_resource( "src/html/index.html" )

add_custom_target( rc ALL DEPENDS ${RC_DEPENDS} )

Then in your C/C++ files all you need is:

extern char index_html_start[] asm( "_binary_src_html_index_html_start" );
extern char index_html_end[]   asm( "_binary_src_html_index_html_end" );
extern size_t index_html_size  asm( "_binary_src_html_index_html_size" );