emoji faces symbols code example
Example: smiley face emoji
HTML Entity (Decimal): 😃
HTML Entity (Hexadecimal): 😃
URL Escape Code: %F0%9F%98%83
UTF-8 (hex): 0xF0 0x9F 0x98 0x83 (f09f9883)
UTF-8 (binary): 11110000:10011111:10011000:10000011
UTF-16/UTF-16BE (hex): 0xD83D 0xDE03 (d83dde03)
UTF-16LE (hex): 0x3DD8 0x03DE (3dd803de)
UTF-32/UTF-32BE (hex): 0x0001F603 (0001f603)
UTF-32LE (hex): 0x03F60100 (03f60100)
Octal Escape Sequence: \360\237\230\203
JavaScript and JSON: \u1F603
C, C++, and Java: \u1F603
Python: \u1F603
Perl: \x{1F603}
Ruby: \u{1F603}
CSS: \01F603
always keep smiling :)