Emphasize line in minted code
As Konrad Rudolph pointed out you can't expand pygmentize with the option \hl_lines
Pygmentize doesn’t support the
option for the LaTeX formatter, and by extension, neither does minted, sorry.
I have another suggestion. You can use tikz to emphasize special lines.
Here the code:
\documentclass[letterpaper, 10pt]{article}
{\tikz[remember picture,overlay]\node(minted-\arabic{FancyVerbLine}){};}%
while [ -h "$SOURCE" ] ; do SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")"; done
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )"
java -jar "$DIR/arara.jar" $*
\tikz[remember picture,overlay]\draw[fill=yellow,opacity=0.2] ([yshift=-0.05cm,xshift=0.3cm]minted-2) rectangle ([yshift=0.35cm,xshift=5.5cm]minted-2);