Emulate jQuery "on" with selector in pure Javascript

This is actually surprisingly simple. You're on the right track, but it's not quite there.

Here's the functions I use:

window.addEvent = function(elem,type,callback) {
    var evt = function(e) {
        e = e || window.event;
        return callback.call(elem,e);
    }, cb = function(e) {return evt(e);};
    if( elem.addEventListener) {
    else if( elem.attachEvent) {
    return elem;
window.findParent = function(child,filter,root) {
    do {
        if( filter(child)) return child;
        if( root && child == root) return false;
    } while(child = child.parentNode);
    return false;
window.hasClass = function(elem,cls) {
    if( !('className' in elem)) return;
    return !!elem.className.match(new RegExp("\\b"+cls+"\\b"));

The window.findParent is central to the whole thing, as you can see when I show you how to attach your desired on listener:

window.addEvent(document.body,"click",function(e) {
    var s = window.findParent(e.srcElement || e.target,function(elm) {
        return window.hasClass(elm,"button");
    if( s) {
        console.log("It works!");

Update for 2017: current DOM standards like closest mean this is now much easier.

const addEventForChild = function(parent, eventName, childSelector, cb){      
  parent.addEventListener(eventName, function(event){
    const clickedElement = event.target,
    matchingChild = clickedElement.closest(childSelector)
    if (matchingChild) cb(matchingChild)

To use it just:

addEventForChild(parent, 'click', '.child', function(childElement){
  console.log('Woo click!', childElement)

Here's a jsfiddle