Enable/disable Windows 7 device via command line

DevManView is another way to do this - and it's a lot easier to acquire than devcon.exe, but still free.

I use the following command in a batch file to use disable/enable a device on my wife's laptop when we need it:

devmanview.exe /disable_enable "SDA Standard Compliant SD Host Controller"

You can also create a regular shortcut, edit its properties and add the parameters in the Target field.

  1. Download the WDK Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0 from Microsoft.
  2. Use the Universal Extractor to extract the contents of the ISO to a temporary location... or use whatever method you like to mount and get inside the ISO.
  3. You can use the same tool to extract the install file "WDK\setuptools_x64fre.msi" to a temporary directory.
  4. In that temporary directory you will find "WinDDK\7600.16385.win7_wdk.100208-1538\tools\devcon\amd64\devcon.exe". It has been tested to work with Win7x64, and it is part of the most recent Windows Driver development kit.

So, there is Devcon.exe for Windows 7 for you. It works with Windows 7, and it is free.

Instructions taken from the Microsoft Answers forum.

For Windows 8, there is WDK 8.1 available at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/hardware/gg454513

The small setup binary allows to download (without installing WDK) (~500MB) and without iso-container.

Searched cabs for devcon.exe but names are scrambled. Used Universal Extractor to extract "..\Installers\Windows Driver Kit-x86_en-us.msi" - ends with an error. However, got the file I need: "...\Windows Kits\8.1\Tools\x64\devcon.exe"

Tool needs to run with Admin privs to have effect.