Enable the Java SecurityManager with AllPermission

In which context are you running your code above ?

from command line with a simple JVM or inside a webapp running on top of some JavaEE container? On which OS? with which JVM (Oracle, OpenJDK, IBM J9...) and which version?

If you're running from command line, have a look at the java.policy file located in your JVM installation path. Its content may narrow your grants and thus prevent you from accessing this particular system variable ?

I was able to recreate your case with an extra Policy.getPolicy() before the Policy.setPolicy() call, the reason why it affects the behaviour is that with the get policy call, you trigger a default policy creation, and permissions from java.policy are set, but without a setSecurityManager() they are not activated, that is the reason when you do a custom AllPermission policy set, you still get a "java.util.PropertyPermission" "java.home" "read" issue, for many of such default policies are not overridden with the set policy. Very confusing structure indeed.

System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());
// results in 'access denied ("java.util.PropertyPermission" "java.home" "read")'

But if you use the following custom policy;

Policy allPermissionPolicy = new Policy() {

    public boolean implies(ProtectionDomain domain, Permission permission) {
        return true;

It overrides all permission definitions, and lets all actions through, a possible fix for this confusion.