- Encapsulation code example

Example 1: encapsulation programming

In object-oriented programming, encapsulation refers to the bundling 
of data with the methods that operate on that data, or the restricting
of direct access to some of an object's components

Example 2: encapsulation

Encapsulation focus on Private Data
Encapsulation allows the programmer to hide 
and restrict access to data. 
To achieve encapsulation:
1.Declare the variables with the private access modifier
2.Create public getters and setters that allow indirect 
access to those variables
Framework Example:
In my project I created multiple POJO/BEAN classes in order 
to manage test data and actual data. 
I take JSON from API response and convert 
to object of my POJO class. 
All the variables are private with getters and setter. 
Also in order to store credentials or sensitive data 
in my framework I have use encapsulation, configuration reader 
also known as property file or excel sheet to hide data 
from the outside. I use Apache POI if the data is stored in Excel 
in order to extract/read and modify data.
Partial Encapsulation Usage / getters and setters have to be Public
We can provide only getters in a class to make the class immutable. 
(Read only) returning private instance variable that’s all
We provide setters in a class to make the class attribute write-only,
and return type is void just initialize the given argument

Example 3: encapsulation java

Encapsulation in Java is a mechanism to wrap up variables and methods together
as a single unit. It is the process of hiding information details and protecting
data and behavior of the object. It is one of the four important OOP concepts. 
 The encapsulate class is easy to test, so it is also better for unit testing.

Example 4: encapsulation

Encapsulation focus on Private Data
Encapsulation allows the programmer to hide 
and restrict access to data. 
To achieve encapsulation:
1.Declare the variables with the private access modifier
2.Create public getters and setters that allow indirect 
access to those variables
Framework Example:
In my project I created multiple POJO/BEAN classes in order 
to manage test data and actual data. 
I take JSON from API response and convert 
to object of my POJO class. 
All the variables are private with getters and setter. 
Also in order to store credentials or sensitive data 
in my framework I have use encapsulation, configuration reader 
also known as property file or excel sheet to hide data 
from the outside. I use Apache POI if the data is stored in Excel 
in order to extract/read and modify data.
Partial Encapsulation Usage / getters and setters have to be Public
We can provide only getters in a class to make the class immutable. 
(Read only) returning private instance variable that’s all
We provide setters in a class to make the class attribute write-only,
and return type is void just initialize the given argument

Example 5: oop encapsulation example

using namespace std;
class ExampleEncap{
   /* Since we have marked these data members private,
    * any entity outside this class cannot access these
    * data members directly, they have to use getter and
    * setter functions.
   int num;
   char ch;
   /* Getter functions to get the value of data members.
    * Since these functions are public, they can be accessed
    * outside the class, thus provide the access to data members
    * through them
   int getNum() const {
      return num;
   char getCh() const {
      return ch;
   /* Setter functions, they are called for assigning the values
    * to the private data members.
   void setNum(int num) {
      this->num = num;
   void setCh(char ch) {
      this->ch = ch;
int main(){
   ExampleEncap obj;
   return 0;

Example 6: Encapsulation

In object-oriented programming, encapsulation refers to the bundling of data with the methods that operate on that data, or the restricting of direct access to some of an object's components


Misc Example