Encode/Decode base64

The len prefix is superficial and causes the invalid utf-8 error:

package main

import (

func main() {
        str := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte("Hello, playground"))

        data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(str)
        if err != nil {
                log.Fatal("error:", err)

        fmt.Printf("%q\n", data)

(Also here)


"Hello, playground"

EDIT: I read too fast, the len was not used as a prefix. dystroy got it right.

To sum up the other two posts, here are two simple functions to encode/decode Base64 strings with Go:

// Dont forget to import "encoding/base64"!

func base64Encode(str string) string {
    return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(str))

func base64Decode(str string) (string, bool) {
    data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(str)
    if err != nil {
        return "", true
    return string(data), false

Try it!

DecodedLen returns the maximal length.

This length is useful for sizing your buffer but part of the buffer won't be written and thus won't be valid UTF-8.

You have to use only the real written length returned by the Decode function.

l, _ := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(base64Text, []byte(message))
log.Printf("base64: %s\n", base64Text[:l])

@Denys Séguret's answer is almost 100% correct. As an improvement to avoid wasting memory with non used space in base64Text, you should use base64.DecodedLen. Take a look at how base64.DecodeString uses it. It should look like this:

func main() {
    message := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte("Hello, playground"))

    base64Text := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(message)))

    n, _ := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(base64Text, []byte(message))
    fmt.Println("base64Text:", string(base64Text[:n]))

Try it here.


