Encode / Decode .EXE into Base64

Just to add an alternative for people looking to do a similar task: Windows comes with certutil.exe (a tool to manipulate certificates) which can base64 encode and decode files.

certutil -encode test.exe test.txt
certutil -decode test.txt test.exe

This is a purely PowerShell version of Swonkie's answer which, despite working quite well if you have access to the utility, isn't a PowerShell answer - which is what I needed.

$SourceFile    = "C:\Src\OriginalBinaryFile.dll"
$B64File       = "C:\Src\DllAsB64.txt"
$Reconstituted = "C:\Src\ReConstituted.dll"


[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($Reconstituted, [Convert]::FromBase64String([char[]][IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($B64File)))

As a side note. If the DllAsB64.txt is created by certutil, it will be wrapped by these lines.



After removing these lines the PowerShell command above will decode it. Certutil ignores them so it will decode its own output or the PowerShell output.

The problem was caused by:

  1. Get-Content without -raw splits the file into an array of lines thus destroying the code
  2. Text.Encoding interprets the binary code as text thus destroying the code
  3. Out-File is for text data, not binary code

The correct approach is to use IO.File ReadAllBytes:

$base64string = [Convert]::ToBase64String([IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($FileName))

and WriteAllBytes to decode:

[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($FileName, [Convert]::FromBase64String($base64string))