
menu.to_s.encode('UTF-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '?')

This worked perfectly, I had to replace some extra characters but there are no more errors.

What do you expect for "\xC2"? Probably a Â

With ASCII-8BIT you have binary data, and ruby cant decide, what should be.

You must first set the encoding with force_encoding.

You may try the following code:

    print "%-10s\t" % [enc]
    print "\t\xC2".force_encoding(enc)
    print "\t\xC2".force_encoding(enc).encode('utf-8')
  rescue => err
    print "\t#{err}"
  print "\n"

The result are the possible values in different encodings for your "\xC2".

The result may depend on your Output format, but I think you can make a good guess, which encoding you have.

When you defined the encoding you need (probably cp1251) you can


See also Kashyaps comment.

If you don't care about losing the strange characters, you can blow them away:

str.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT").encode('UTF-8', undef: :replace, replace: '')