english c2 c1 b2 b1 a2 a1 code example

Example: language niveaus

# Multiple Likes
# Save this as multiple-likes.toml
# Get comment information from this endpoint first: http://localhost:3000/rest/products//reviews
# Then repalce id values in body parameter of this file
# You need to replace the bearer token as well
# open browser dev tools, like any of the comment, then inspect the traffic to obtain a valid bearer token
# Launch this file by doing ./racethweb multiple-likes.toml
count = 3
verbose = true
    method = "POST"
    url = "http://localhost:3000/rest/products/reviews"
    body = "{\"id\":\"QEBb8RKLor69dsXkB\"}"
    headers = ["Content-Type: application/json","Authorization: Bearer XXX"]


Misc Example