enter in python code example

Example 1: python new line

# \n Makes A new Line.
print("Hello \n World!")
#Out Put
# World!
#Still Counts The Space!

Example 2: print new line python


Example 3: python new line

print("First Line \n" "Second Line")

Example 4: print( n ) in python

The new line character in Python is \n   print("\n")

Example 5: python input variable

# if you want to ask the user to input anything, use the keyword "input".

a = input("How old are you") # the user will be prompted to answer the question.

#The answer is stocked into a (which is here a string and not an int !).

Example 6: how to make a python text skip a line break

The new line character is "\n". It is used inside of a string.