Entity Framework Code First AddOrUpdate method insert Duplicate values

Ok I was banging my face off the keyboard for an hour with this. If your table's Id field is an Identity field then it won't work so use a different one for identifierExpression. I used the Name property and also removed the Id field from the new Hall {...} initializer.

This tweak to the OPs code worked for me so I hope it helps someone:

protected override void Seed(HallContext context)
        h => h.Name,   // Use Name (or some other unique field) instead of Id
        new Hall
            Name = "Hall 1"
        new Hall
            Name = "Hall 2"


This code works:

public Configuration()
    AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true;

protected override void Seed(HallContext context)
        h => h.Id,
        new Hall
            Id = 1,
            Name = "Hall 1"
        new Hall
            Id = 2,
            Name = "Hall 2"


I know this is an old question, but the right answer is that if you are setting the id # yourself and you want to use AddOrUpdate then you need to tell EF/SQL that you don't want it to generate the ID #.

modelBuilder.Entity<MyClass>().Property(p => p.Id)

The down side to this is that when you insert a new item you need to set it's Id, so if this is done dynamically at runtime (instead of from seed data) then you will need to calculate out the next Id. Context.MyClasses.Max(c=>c.Id) + 1 works well.