Entity Framework DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint

You can resolve this issue on SQL side

Method 1 :

  • First, you need to find on which table this FK constraint has been defined, through using Replication monitor.

  • Right click on that FK, click Modify, you should get popup box like one shown below.

enter image description here

  • From the popup box, Select Cascade for del.

Method 2 :

set ON DELETE CASCADE in sql at the end of constraint.

Can't really tell much from what you have said, but you may benefit from looking into using the DbModelBuilder to solve cascade issues:

                .HasMany<Child>(c => c.Children)
                .WithOptional(x => x.Parent)

Again, would need more information about your model structure to determine if this is the right approach.

Either that or in your delete method, remove any children first, and then remove the parent.

  .HasMany<Child>(c => c.Children)
  .WithOptional(x => x.Parent)

or use Include

  var adv = db.Adv.Include(b => b.Features)
                  .Include(b => b.AdvDetails)
                  .Include(b => b.AdvGallery)
                  .FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == id);

for .HasMany(...).WithMany(...) Include is ok