Entity Framework The underlying provider failed on Open

In my case, I was using Sql CE, and my connection string was set up with an absolute path instead inf the |DataDirectory| variable. Changed this and it began working on the server.

Obviously, it worked fine on the development machine.

I was getting the same problem and after doing debugging i saw that i am creating the new instance of DB Entity on every action and making new instance of Db Entity means openning new connection with db.

Below is the code :

Private tmpConnection As New DbModel.DbEntities

so by calling the variable again and again its creating new instance of DbEntites and opening new connection to db.

so i write a small function for this and that solved my problem. Now no more error.

Private tmpConnection As DbModel.DbEntities

Public Function dbCon() As DbModel.DbEntities

    If tmpConnection IsNot Nothing Then

        If tmpConnection.Connection.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then

                Return tmpConnection
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try


            Return tmpConnection

        End If


        tmpConnection = New DbModel.DbEntities

            Return tmpConnection
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

    End If

    Return Nothing
End Function

and last thing in your connectionstring please add "Connect Timeout=30;"

thats working so perfect for me

You should create a sql account for your web server to access the aspnetdb database. It is currently using integrated authentication (tries to logon with the identity the web server is using to run the application).

The example below uses integrated auth. I would use SQL auth though.


Using new instance of DB Entity on every action should not physically create connection to your SQL server. Entity Framework will use connection pool created for your (process, app domain, connection string) as configured in your connection string to avoid creating new connections.

This issue is very environmental and tweaking parameters (in your conn string) like below should resolve the problem-

Min Pool Size=1;

Max Pool Size=100; // default

Connect Timeout=15; // in seconds
