EntityFunctions.TruncateTime and unit tests

You can't - if unit testing means that you are using a fake repository in memory and you are therefore using LINQ to Objects. If you test your queries with LINQ to Objects you didn't test your application but only your fake repository.

Your exception is the less dangerous case as it indicates that you have a red test, but probably actually a working application.

More dangerous is the case the other way around: Having a green test but a crashing application or queries which do not return the same results as your test. Queries like...

context.MyEntities.Where(e => MyBoolFunction(e)).ToList()


context.MyEntities.Select(e => new MyEntity { Name = e.Name }).ToList()

...will work fine in your test but not with LINQ to Entities in your application.

A query like...

context.MyEntities.Where(e => e.Name == "abc").ToList()

...will potentially return different results with LINQ to Objects than LINQ to Entities.

You can only test this and the query in your question by building integration tests which are using the LINQ to Entities provider of your application and a real database.


If you still want to write unit tests I think you must fake the query itself or at least expressions in the query. I could imagine that something along the lines of the following code might work:

Create an interface for the Where expression:

public interface IEntityExpressions
    Expression<Func<MyEntity, bool>> GetSearchByDateExpression(DateTime date);
    // maybe more expressions which use EntityFunctions or SqlFunctions

Create an implementation for your application...

public class EntityExpressions : IEntityExpressions
    public Expression<Func<MyEntity, bool>>
        GetSearchByDateExpression(DateTime date)
       return e => EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(e.Date) == date;
       // Expression for LINQ to Entities, does not work with LINQ to Objects

...and a second implementation in your Unit test project:

public class FakeEntityExpressions : IEntityExpressions
    public Expression<Func<MyEntity, bool>>
        GetSearchByDateExpression(DateTime date)
        return e => e.Date.Date == date;
       // Expression for LINQ to Objects, does not work with LINQ to Entities

In your class where you are using the query create a private member of this interface and two constructors:

public class MyClass
    private readonly IEntityExpressions _entityExpressions;

    public MyClass()
        _entityExpressions = new EntityExpressions(); // "poor man's IOC"

    public MyClass(IEntityExpressions entityExpressions)
        _entityExpressions = entityExpressions;

    // just an example, I don't know how exactly the context of your query is
    public IQueryable<MyEntity> BuildQuery(IQueryable<MyEntity> query,
        SearchOptions searchOptions)
        if (searchOptions.Date.HasValue)
            query = query.Where(_entityExpressions.GetSearchByDateExpression(
        return query;

Use the first (default) constructor in your application:

var myClass = new MyClass();
var searchOptions = new SearchOptions { Date = DateTime.Now.Date };

var query = myClass.BuildQuery(context.MyEntities, searchOptions);

var result = query.ToList(); // this is LINQ to Entities, queries database

Use the second constructor with FakeEntityExpressions in your unit test:

IEntityExpressions entityExpressions = new FakeEntityExpressions();
var myClass = new MyClass(entityExpressions);
var searchOptions = new SearchOptions { Date = DateTime.Now.Date };
var fakeList = new List<MyEntity> { new MyEntity { ... }, ... };

var query = myClass.BuildQuery(fakeList.AsQueryable(), searchOptions);

var result = query.ToList(); // this is LINQ to Objects, queries in memory

If you are using a dependency injection container you could leverage it by injecting the appropriate implementation if IEntityExpressions into the constructor and don't need the default constructor.

I've tested the example code above and it worked.

You can define a new static function (you can have it as an extension method if you want):

[EdmFunction("Edm", "TruncateTime")]
public static DateTime? TruncateTime(DateTime? date)
    return date.HasValue ? date.Value.Date : (DateTime?)null;

Then you can use that function in LINQ to Entities and LINQ to Objects and it will work. However, that method means that you would have to replace calls to EntityFunctions with calls to your new class.

Another, better (but more involved) option would be to use an expression visitor, and write a custom provider for your in-memory DbSets to replace the calls to EntityFunctions with calls to in-memory implementations.