Enumerate List with Different Base number



\renewcommand*{\labelenumi}{\pgfmathparse{int(2^(\theenumi-1))} \pgfmathresult}

        \item One
        \item Two
        \item Three
        \item more
        \item more
        \item more
        \item more
        \item more
        \item more
        \item more
        \item more
        \item more
        \item more

enter image description here

Here's a LuaLaTeX-based solution, which works with the enumitem package. It defines an enumerated environment called powertwoenum, in which consecutive items are numbered as 1, 2, 4, 8, 32, etc. Items in a powertwoenum list may be cross-referenced via the usual \label-\ref mechanism.

enter image description here

% !TEX TS-program = lualatex

  \item First
  \item Second
  \item Third
  \item Fourth
  \item Fifth \label{item:five}

A cross-reference to item \ref{item:five}.

Resume the enumerated list.

  \item First
  \item Second
  \item Third
  \item Fourth
  \item Fifth

A variant of Christian Hupfer's solution, but fully expandable:



  \basetwoenum_main:n { #1 }
\cs_new:Nn \basetwoenum_main:n
  \exp_args:Nc \basetwoenum_eval:n { c@#1 }
\cs_new:Nn \basetwoenum_eval:n
  \fp_eval:n { 2 ** (#1-1) }
%% for keeping enumitem happy
\cs_set_eq:cN { @basetwoenum } \basetwoenum_main:n



  \item First
  \item Second
  \item Third
  \item Fourth
  \item Fifth

Resume it

  \item First
  \item Second
  \item Third
  \item Fourth
  \item Fifth


This gives correct results up to 253; of course, if you plan to use more than ten items you have to accordingly increase the number of zeros in the final argument to \AddEnumerateCounter.

enter image description here