Environment variables in Jenkins

The quick and dirty way, you can view the available environment variables from the below link.


Just replace localhost with your Jenkins hostname, if its different

What ultimately worked for me was the following steps:

  1. Configure the Environment Injector Plugin
  2. Goto to the /job/<project>/configure screen
  3. In "Build Environment" section check "Inject environment variables to the build process"
  4. In "Properties Content" specified: TZ=America/New_York

The environment variables displayed in Jenkins (Manage Jenkins -> System information) are inherited from the system (i.e. inherited environment variables)

If you run env command in a shell you should see the same environment variables as Jenkins shows.

These variables are either set by the shell/system or by you in ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile.

There are also environment variables set by Jenkins when a job executes, but these are not displayed in the System Information.

