Error: A strongly-named assembly is required

Yet another possible cause:

(for desperate troubleshooters)

In Solution Explorer window, if you walk down your references list and check each in Properties window, seeing property Strong Name = False points to potential problem.

I just got it to build by doing the following:

There had been a licenses file in the Properties of the project in question. After deleting the file (it was no longer needed) the project was able to build successfully. So it looks like that was the culprit.

I've removed the license file from My Project Folder, and re-build again, it was build successfully.

What the error means

"Strong Name : Indicates that the reference has been signed with a key pair."

If your current project's assembly is signed, then all your reference assemblies must also be signed. Failure to do so will result in this error.

How to check

Solution Explorer > References > [Click on the reference in question] > Properties

Strong Name = TRUE

If Strong Name is true means signed, else the reference is not signed and is causing the error.

How to fix

Method 1 : Unsign your current project's assembly.

Project Properties > Signing > Sign the assembly (checkbox)

enter image description here

Method 2 : Sign the assembly of the reference project. (Only possible if you're building it yourself)

Located in Project properties


