{"error": {"canonicalCode": "INVALID_ARGUMENT", google cloud

The problem is solved by removing "package-lock.json" file.

UPDATE (25/11/19)

As per @Jennings' answer, removing package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json is the quick temp fix. It seems the problem is related to Node 10: I can deploy just fine with Node 8, but when using 10 I need to remove the lock file. Of course Node 10 runtime is still in Beta, so...

This is a very stupid error with cryptographic logging.

Try any of the following:

  • Using node 8 instead of node 10 (though recently fixed internally, I have found there are still issues with node 10)
  • Check for possible corrupted or recently-installed dependencies, and remove
  • Nuking package-lock.json and node_modules and running npm install

For me, it was the first option that got things in motion again. I also re-initialised firebase, reinstall firebase-tools and tried different node versions, though I don't think these steps made any difference.