Error: EACCES, permission denied even after using sudo?

As of 2020, here is the recommended solution by npm. It worked for me (OSX). (No need to change any path configuration or .bashrc)


  1. Install nvm by running below command.

If you are using bash

curl -o- | bash

If you are using zsh

curl -o- | zsh
  1. Install node using nvm (No need to uninstall existing node/npm)

nvm install 12.13.1

You have two options: Either fix your npm setup, so you can use npm -g, or install autosave locally.

To install locally (i.e. in node_modules within your current directory), run npm install autosave (without -g). Then you can run ./node_modules/.bin/autosave or ./node_modules/autosave/bin/autosave to start autosave.

To fix your npm setup, so you can use -g without root permissions (recommended):

In your home dir (assuming /Users/Brent/), create a file called .npmrc with the following content:

cache = /Users/Brent/.npm/cache
globalconfig = /Users/Brent/.npm/npmrc
globalignorefile = /Users/Brent/.npm/npmignore
prefix = /Users/Brent/.npm

And add ~/.npm/lib/node_modules to your NODE_PATH, e.g. by putting the following in .bashrc (assuming that your shell is bash) to allow the modules to be found, and append ~/.npm/bintoPATHso you can run any installed binary (i.e. runautosave` from anywhere):

export NODE_PATH=$HOME/.npm/lib/node_modules
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.npm/bin

(changes to .bashrc only take effect when you load the shell, or use . ~/.bashrc; if you want to use the new setup without reloading the shell, just run that line (export ...) in your current shell).