Error: Failed to run "javac -version", make sure that you have a JDK Installed

I've been trying to figure this out and just found a solution I haven't seen elsewhere.

I noticed I had a second version of Java installed in my Program Files (x86) directory.

Pointing the variables to that location instead, ie C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_131 and now everything works fine.

Firstly make sure you don't have multiple java versions installed

Once you're done with that open Environment Variables tab under My computers

Create a new user variable and name it PATH

Set the user variable value as C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_151\bin(may change depending on where you have installed java)

open cmd type javac

This should be enough to make it work

Search for "edit environment variables" in start. and under user variables add a new variable with name "JAVA_HOME" and value with path_to_jdk_bin.

like this

enter image description here

Now under system variables, the path variable should contain(add if not added) the entry %JAVA_HOME%.

Like this

enter image description here