Error in file(file, "rt") : invalid 'description' argument in complete.cases program
It's hard to tell without a completely reproducible example, but I suspect your problem is this line:
here is a vector, so path becomes a vector of character strings, and when you call read.csv
you're passing it all the paths at once instead of just one. Try changing the above line to
and see if that works.
It seems you have a problem with your file path.
You are passing the full vector id =c(1:332) to the file path name.
If your files are named 1.csv, 2.csv, 3.csv, etc..
You can change this line:
and leave out or rework the id input of your function.
Instead of using a for
to read the data in, you can try sapply
. For example
mydata <- sapply(path, read.csv)
Since path
is a vector, sapply
will iterate the vector and apply read.csv
to it. Therefore, there will be no need for the for
loop and your code will be much cleaner.
From there you will have a matrix
which each of your files and their respective information from which you can extract the observations.
To find the observations, you can do mydata[2,1][[1]]
. Remember that the rows will be your factors and your columns will be your files.