ERROR ITMS-90168: "The binary you uploaded was invalid."

If your binary file .IPA is validated. Than use the Application Loader v3.6

and you will be fine.

An invalid binary can happen for several reasons (the analysis file isn't the problem):

  • Outdated application loader - this is the most common reason. Make sure your Mac OS X version is up to date and the application loader tool is updated
  • Using debug instead of appstore built IPA
  • Incorrect provisioning - if you used provisioning or certificate incorrectly. This can happen if you re-run the certificate wizard before uploading the app as it can invalidate the existing certificate or regenerate provisioning

I faced this issue using Fastlane by uploading a binary file .IPA and setting an app_identifier that didn't correspond with the .IPA file I was sending.

My error message was ERROR ITMS-4241: "App is Removed or Deleted. Apps can't be validated or submitted while they're removed or deleted." at SoftwareAssets.

So I just fixed the app_identifier in the Appfile.