Error setting certificate verify locations - Github

First, creating ssh keys won't help for an HTTPS url.
Keep those keys, but if you want to use them, you would need to put existing ssh keys to your github account then

 cd /path/to/your/repo
 git remote set-url origin [email protected]:junaidbinsarfraz/repo.git
 git push

Second, regarding the cert error, try to push from a simple CMD, using a simplified PATH as I do here, with said PATH referencing the very latest Git for Windows.
For that, uncompress PortableGit-2.16.1-64-bit.7z.exe anywhere you want.

In my case, on windows, It was not working after setting of name, e mail as well as certificates path for git config. following command run from command prompt fixed this issue.

git config --global http.sslcainfo "C:\Program Files\Git\usr\ssl\certs\ca-bundle.crt"

path of your ca-bundle.crt may vary in your case.




