Error when trying to install second flutter app on the emulator

You probably configures storage too small and you get this error when the emulator runs out of storage when you install.

Either modify the emulator configuration or uninstall before you install another app.

Open the Android Virtual Device (AVD) manager in Android Studio, edit the emulator and increase "Internal Storage" and restart the emulator.

Free-up the space

free space used by emulators / virtual devices

  1. Open Android Studio
  2. Tools > AVD Manager
  3. click menu icon on right side of emulator / virtual device
  4. select Wipe Data
  5. select Yes

There you'll see the space will be free up.

For clarity see the below image, 3+ GB space is freed to 1.0 GB.

enter image description here

On android studio

  1. Tools > AVD Manager
  2. Edit the virtual device
  3. Show advanced settings
  4. Increase internal storage

internal storage