Error while installing Nodejs on Godaddy Shared Linux Hosting

I had the same problem and after googling it for a while I was able to find a solution, since you cannot install glibc package because of the lack of privileges the workaround would be to install and older version of node, in my case I used v6.8:

nvm install v6.8.0
Now using node v6.8.0 (npm v3.10.8)
Creating default alias: default -> v6.8.0 

I will start testing now

As of today, I could go up till v11.15.0 after which this same error starts to pop up. Type the following commands:

nvm ls-remote

This shows up a long list of versions of NodeJS versions available to download and install. The versions in green are the LTS releases. To install a specific version, say v11.15.0, type in

nvm install 11.15.0

After the installation is finished, you can check if its working by just typing in:

node -v
npm -v

These commands show the versions of NodeJS and NPM respectively. So, now in your situation you'd have two versions of NodeJS installed in your system. To see the list of installed versions, type:

nvm ls

To use v11.15.0 or the version of your choice,

nvm use 11.15.0

In this way, you can switch between versions. To set a default version for every session,

nvm alias default 11.15.0

Now you probably need to uninstall the version that was causing the bug,

nvm uninstall 12.9.0

That's it!