Error while installing Python-saml package in windows

I have rebuilt xmlsec windows wheels and uploaded them to the releases page of my fork. To install, first install xmlsec passing the additional PyPI index:

$ pip install xmlsec --extra-index-url=

The added index just proxies install request to Github releases.

Now install python3-saml:

$ pip install python3-saml

(Alternative) Selecting the dist manually

You can manually find the wheel matching your Python installation from the releases page and install it using a direct link, e.g.

$ python -c "from pip._internal.pep425tags import get_supported; print(*get_supported()[0], sep='-')"
# the matching wheel is thus xmlsec-1.3.6.post1-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
$ pip install

(Optional) Verify xmlsec works by invoking the tests

I have executed tests against all built wheels (check out this job log on Appveyor), but you can also run the tests locally to verify xmlsec installation is working:

$ git clone && cd python-xmlsec
$ pip install pytest
$ pytest tests/