es6 clone object code example

Example 1: clone javascript object

let clone = Object.assign({}, objToClone);

Example 2: javascript clone object

var x = {myProp: "value"};
var xClone = Object.assign({}, x);

//Obs: nested objects are still copied as reference.

Example 3: javascript object.assign

const target = { a: 1, b: 2 };
const source = { b: 4, c: 5 };

const returnedTarget = Object.assign(target, source);

// expected output: Object { a: 1, b: 4, c: 5 }

// expected output: Object { a: 1, b: 4, c: 5 }

Example 4: how to clone an object

const first = {'name': 'alka', 'age': 21} 
const another = Object.assign({}, first);

Example 5: javascript clone object

var sheep={"height":20,"name":"Melvin"};
var clonedSheep=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(sheep));

//note: cloning like this will not work with some complex objects such as:  Date(), undefined, Infinity
// For complex objects try: lodash's cloneDeep() method or angularJS angular.copy() method

Example 6: object.assign react js

'use strict';

// Merge an object
let first = {name: 'Tony'};
let last = {lastName: 'Stark'};
let person = Object.assign(first, last);
// {name: 'Tony', lastName: 'Stark'}
// first = {name: 'Tony', lastName: 'Stark'} as the target also changed

// Merge multiple sources
let a = Object.assign({foo: 0}, {bar: 1}, {baz: 2});
// {foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}

// Merge and overwrite equal keys
let b = Object.assign({foo: 0}, {foo: 1}, {foo: 2});
// {foo: 2}

// Clone an object
let obj = {person: 'Thor Odinson'};
let samp = {person: 'ashok'}; 
let clone = Object.assign({}, obj, samp);

// {person: 'Thor Odinson'}


Php Example