ES7 Getting result from an array of promises using await generator

As mentioned in the issue you filed, the core issue is that await* is no longer a thing and has been removed. Unfortunately, it was not properly throwing a syntax error in Babel 6 and was essentially being treated like a normal await.

You'll need to explicitly

 let [p1, p2] = await Promise.all([
          System.import('./package1.js'), System.import('./package2.js')]);

I cannot believe it actually works, forEach does return undefined which you cannot await. If you need a loop, use map to get an array of (promised) results.

In your case, you seem to be looking for a simple

async function getImports() {
  let promises = [System.import('./package1.js'), System.import('./package2.js')];
  let results = await Promise.all(promises)