Evaluate Words Based on "Rules" (Skeptics.SE Crossover)

Python3, 105 103 bytes

This is my first golf here so be kind =)

-2 bytes tanks to Chas Brown

lambda d,b,x,y,z:sum((x+y in i)-2*((z*b+x+y+z)[:3]in i)-(y+x in i)+2*((z*b+y+x+z)[:3]in i)for i in d)>0

Takes the dictionary d as any iterator of strings; a boolean 'b' (True being after); and the three letters x,y,z as Strings;

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Explanation: might add later

Java 8, 210 bytes


Takes the dictionary D as a java.util.List<String>; the three letters a,b,c as Strings; and whether it's after or before as a boolean f (truthy being 'after').

EDIT: Surprisingly enough using two .matches with regexes instead of the two times three .contains is longer. And creating variables for f?c+a+b:a+b+c and f?c+b+a:b+a+c is also 1 byte longer.

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(D,a,b,c,f)->             // Method with List, 3 Strings, boolean parameters & boolean return
  D.stream()              //  Stream the given dictionary-List
   .filter(w->            //  Filter the words by:
     w.contains(a+b)      //   If the word contains `a+b`
      &!w.contains(f?     //   If the flag is true (after):
                   c+a+b  //    And the word does not contain `c+a+b`
                  :       //   Else (before):
                   a+b+c) //    And the word does not contain `a+b+c`
     |w.contains(f?       //   If the flag is true (after):
                  c+b+a   //    Or the word contains `c+b+a`
                 :        //   Else (before):
                  b+a+c)) //    Or the word contains `b+a+c`
   .count()               //  And get the amount of words left in the filtered result
  >                       //  And return whether this is larger than:
  D.stream()              //  Stream of the given dictionary again
   .filter(w->            //  Filtered by:
     w.contains(b+a)      //   If the word contains `b+a`
      &!w.contains(f?     //   If the flag is true (after):
                    c+b+a //    And the word does not contain `c+b+a`
                   :      //   Else (before):
                    b+a+c)//    And the word does not contain `b+a+c`
     |w.contains(f?       //   If the flag is true (after):
                  c+a+b   //    Or the word contains `c+a+b`
                 :        //   Else (before):
                  a+b+c)) //    Or the word contains `a+b+c`
   .count()               //  And get the amount of words left in the filtered result

Python 2, 109 107 bytes

lambda D,x,y,r,c:sum((((' '+w+' ')[w.find(p)+3*r]!=c)^(p==y+x))*2-1for p in(x+y,y+x)for w in D if p in w)>0

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Takes Dictionary and rule input as D,x,y,r,c with r=0 to mean 'before' and r=1 to mean 'after'.