Event onChange won't trigger after files are selected from code-generated INPUT element

It's a race condition. It's dependant on what is in the stack and how long certain things might take before the synchronous file browser is called to block the rest of the stack from finishing. With addeventlistener, it's queuing a callback for later use which will be picked up by the event loop when the stack clears. If the stack isn't cleared in time, it won't be called in time. There's no guarantee what will be run when. If you use setTimeout(fn, 0) as Pawel suggested, you'll queue the click() function to be called after the event listener has been placed.

Here's a great video that visualizes everything I'm talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aGhZQkoFbQ

Update: I've noticed something very interesting with chrome after looking into this a bit further...it only allows up to 5 of those elements to be created at once. I did this:

for(var i = 0; i < 20; i += 1) {

with several different numbers in there...and each time, any number greater than 5 only produced 5 input elements with 5 callbacks, while 5 and under produced the correct amount.

I also tried this recursively instead of using the for loop...same results.

Also, the larger the file I select, the longer it takes, but eventually it'll call the callback after it processes the file. This testing so far has all been in chrome.