EventEmitter and Subscriber ES6 Syntax with React Native

You don't need mixins to use EventEmitters.

Simple demo:

import EventEmitter from 'EventEmitter';

let x = new EventEmitter();

function handler(arg) {
    console.log(`event-name has occurred! here is the event data arg=${JSON.stringify(arg)}`);

x.addListener('event-name', handler);

x.emit('event-name', { es6rules: true, mixinsAreLame: true });

The full signature for addListener takes three args:

EventEmitter.addListener(eventName, handler, handlerContext)

In a react component, you likely want to use that context arg, so that the handler can be a class method instead of an inline function and still retain this == component instance. E.g.:

componentDidMount() {
    someEmitter.addListener('awesome', this.handleAwesomeEvents, this);
    // the generalist suggests the alternative:
    someEmitter.addListener('awesome', this.handleAwesomeEvents.bind(this));

handleAwesomeEvents = (event) => {
    let awesomeness = event.awesomeRating;

    // if you don't provide context in didMount,
    // "this" will not refer to the component,
    // and this next line will throw
    this.setState({ awesomeness });

FYI: I got this from looking at the decidedly unmagical implementation of the infamous Subscribable mixin. Google search results are basically an echo chamber of Ramsay's single mixin-based demo.

P.S. As far as exposing this emitter to another component, I'd probably have the owning component provide a function for receiving the emitter reference, and the component that creates the emitter would then conditionally execute that prop with the emitter.

// owner's render method:
    onEmitterReady={(emitter) => this.thingEmitter = emitter}

// inside ThingThatEmits:
componentDidMount() {
    this.emitter = new EventEmitter();

    if(typeof this.props.onEmitterReady === 'function') {

This might be a very late answer, but I'm just going to put it out there for anyone who might find this useful.

As of the time of writing this answer (July, 2020), React Native has changed a lot since version 0.60.0+, you can either use an instance of EventEmitter, or statically call the DeviceEventEmitter methods.

Here is an example using EventEmitter:

import { EventEmitter } from 'events';

const newEvent = new EventEmitter();

// then you can use: "emit", "on", "once", and "off"
newEvent.on('example.event', () => {
  // ...

Another example using the DeviceEventEmitter:

import { DeviceEventEmitter } from 'react-native';

// then you can directly use: "emit", "addListener", and "removeAllListeners"
DeviceEventEmitter.emit('example.event', ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

Hope that comes handy for anyone who still looking for a way to implement custom events in React Native.