Exact match in elastic search query
Not able to do this with query_string
but managed to do so by creating a custom normalizer and then using a "match" or "term" query.
The following steps worked for me.
create a custom normalizer (available >V5.2)
"settings": { "analysis": { "normalizer": { "my_normalizer": { "type": "custom", "filter": ["lowercase"] } } }
Create a mapping with type "keyword"
{ "mappings": { "default": { "properties": { "title": { "type": "text", "fields": { "normalize": { "type": "keyword", "normalizer": "my_normalizer" }, "keyword" : { "type": "keyword" } } } } } }
use match or term query
{ "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "match": { "title.normalize": "string to match" } } ] } } }
As stated here: Finding Exact Values, since the field has been analyzed when indexed - you have no way of exact-matching its tokens (":"). Whenever the tokens should be searchable the mapping should be "not_analyzed" and the data needs to be re-indexed.
If you want to be able to easily match only ":feed:" inside the message field you might want to costumize an analyzer which doesn't tokenize ":" so you will be able to query the field with a simple "match" query instead of wild characters.