Example of stream reduction with distinct combiner and accumulator

If the combiner and accumulator are the same? You are confusing things here.

accumulator transforms from X to Y for example (using the identity), while combiner merges two Y into one. Also notice that one is a BiFunction and the other one is a BinaryOperator (which is actually a BiFunction<T, T, T>).

Is there an example of stream reduction with distinct combiner and accumulator?

These look pretty different to me:

    Stream.of("1", "2")
          .reduce(0, (x, y) -> x + y.length(), Integer::sum);

I think you might be confused with things like:

Stream.of("1", "2")
      .reduce("", String::concat, String::concat);

How is it possible to do?

BiFunction<String, String, String> bi = String::concat;

Well there is a hint here.


Addressing the part where "different" means different operations, accumulator might sum, while accumulator might multiply. This is exactly what the rule :

combiner.apply(u, accumulator.apply(identity, t)) == accumulator.apply(u, t)

is about, to protected itself from two separate associative functions, but different operations. Let's take an example of two lists (equal, but with different order). This, btw, would be a lot funner with a Set::of from java-9 that adds an internal randomization, so theoretically for the same exact input, you would get different result on the same VM from run to run. But to keep it simple:

List.of("a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd");
List.of("dddd", "a", "bb", "ccc");

And we want to perform:

          (x, y) -> x + y.length(),
          (x, y) -> x * y);

Under the current implementation, this will yield the same result for both lists; but that is an implementation artifact.

There is nothing stopping an internal implementation in saying: "I will split the list to the smallest chunk possible, but not smaller than two elements in each of them". In such a case, this could have been translated to these splits:

["a",    "bb"]     ["ccc", "dddd"]
["dddd", "a" ]     ["bb" , "ccc" ]   

Now, "accumulate" those splits:

0 + "a".length   = 1 ; 1 + "bb".length   = 3 // thus chunk result is 3
0 + "ccc".length = 3 ; 3 + "dddd".length = 7 // thus chunk result is 7 

Now we "combine" these chunks: 3 * 7 = 21.

I am pretty sure you already see that the second list in such a scenario would result in 25; as such different operations in the accumulator and combiner can result in wrong results.