Examples of using F# to query Entity Framework

The following is an example I was able to pieces together from what i found on this blog

open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.QuotationEvaluation
open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq

let IsPermited (serviceName:string) =
  //Instantiate the Entity 
  let data = new BusModelContainer()

  //Build your query
  let services = Query.query <@ seq{ for service in data.ServiceSet do
                         service.Name.Equals(serviceName) && service.IsEnabled then
                               yield service } @>
  if Seq.is_empty services then 

Here is the code from the blog that showed me how to go about selecting from an Entity

  let db = new FSharpSampleDB(connString)  

  Query.query <@ seq { for c in db.Customers do  
                       if id = c.CustomerId then  
                          yield (new Customer(c.CustomerId, c.Name, c.Balance))}   
              |> Seq.hd @> :> ICustomer