EXC_BAD_access code=2 address 0x8

I'd like to expand on the tip given by Vinzzz but differing slightly (exception not symbolic breakpoint).

The problem here is that the program has stopping on an OS caught exception (bad access). You need to go one step earlier than this, to see the exception in code which would lead to an iOS exception. Go to the breakpoints tab on the left Xcode screen panel section (Breakpoint Navigator). Then at the bottom of the panel there should be a + sign. Click there and add an 'Exception Breakpoint'. Re-run your program and you should now be breakpointed when the problem is attempted to be introduced into the OS environment. This gives information about who and what is the cause.

When you get to the (lldb) prompt try to hit the continue button. That may reveal the underlying error message in the top of the debugger console. Look for the top of the bold text to see what possible object is causing the problem. This type of error usually refers to an attempt to access an object that has been deallocated.