Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory.requiresPropertyOrdering()Z

I was getting the exactly same issue. I was using Maven for dependency management and had added dependency for jackson-databind module only like this


and then I resolved it by doing this.. I added its transitive dependencies explicitly with the same jackson.version mentioned for each of them in the pom.xml file, as guided here


I came here with a similar issue on Google App Engine. Here is how I fixed it.

First I ran:

mvn dependency:tree

To find who is using the older version. I then excluded that from the offending dependency like so:


Next I added the newer version of the dependency in my pom.xml:


Hope this help others who stumble here.

I had the same issue. There was some incompatibility between the jackson-version 2.6.3 and another dependency (graphaware-framework-embedded).

I could resolve the issue by simply removing the dependency on jackson in my own pom and just let the other dependency load whatever jackson-version it needed.


