exceptions java code example
Example 1: how do you handle exceptions in java
I use try & catch blocks to handle any exceptions in my code.
I am familiar with major checked and unchecked exceptions and
handle it accordingly to make my code execution smooth
Example 2: what is exception in java
In java exception is an object. Exceptions are created when an abnormal
situations are arised in our program. Exceptions can be created by JVM or
by our application code. All Exception classes are defined in java.lang.
In otherwords we can say Exception as run time error.
Example 3: exceptions you get in java
-IndexOutOfBounds exception(while working with arrays/strings)
-NullPointerException(if I forget to instantiate the objects)
Example 4: throwing exceptions java
/* In this program we are checking the Student age
* if the student age<12 and weight <40 then our program
* should return that the student is not eligible for registration.
public class ThrowExample {
static void checkEligibilty(int stuage, int stuweight){
if(stuage<12 && stuweight<40) {
throw new ArithmeticException("Student is not eligible for registration");
else {
System.out.println("Student Entry is Valid!!");
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println("Welcome to the Registration process!!");
checkEligibilty(10, 39);
System.out.println("Have a nice day..");
Example 5: exception in java
In java exception is an object. Exceptions are created when an abnormal
situations are arised in our program. Exceptions can be created by JVM or
by our application code. All Exception classes are defined in java.lang.
In otherwords we can say Exception as run time error. I use try & catch blocks
to handle any exceptions in my code.
I am familiar with major checked and unchecked exceptions and
handle it accordingly to make my code execution smooth
Example 6: what is exception in java
An exception is an event, which occurs during the execution of a
program, that disrupts the normal flow of the program's instructions.