Excluding author from peer reviewer list in gerrit
The Gerrit Cookbook Example 8 does not strictly prevent the Author to review his/her own change, but will require someone else to +2 it before being able to submit.
This is working for me, but it's a quick hack:
- allows a configurable number of +1s to count as a +2 for manual submission
- optionally automatically submit with enough +1 votes
- optionally counts -1 votes as countering +1 votes for the purposes of the tally
- optionally ignores the uploader's own +1 (you may prefer a check against the author, which I've not done)
I've tweaked my earlier answer so it doesn't assume you're using a mysql server.
You might want to move the logfile somewhere it'll be subject to any normal log rotation - perhaps in ../logs/comment-added.log.
I've tried to pull the configurable bits to the fore. Call this file comment-hook and put it in $gerrit_root/hooks, chmod it 755 or similar. Set up a robot user in the admin group so the hook can use the sql interface (and comment +2 on things with enough +1s).
# comment-hook for a +2 approval from a simple quorum of +1 votes.
# Licence: Public domain. All risk is yours; if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.
$QUORUM = 2; # Total number of +1 votes causing a +2
$PLEBIANS = 'abs(value) < 2'; # or 'value = 1' to ignore -1 unvotes
$AUTO_SUBMIT_ON_QUORACY = '--submit'; # or '' for none
$AND_IGNORE_UPLOADER = 'and uploader_account_id != account_id'; # or '' to let uploaders votes count
$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY = '/home/gerrit2/.ssh/id_rsa';
# Hopefully you shouldn't need to venture past here.
$LOG = "/home/gerrit2/hooks/log.comment-added";
open LOG, ">>$LOG" or die;
sub count_of_relevant_votes {
# Total selected code review votes for this commit
my $relevance = shift;
$query = "
select sum(value) from patch_sets, patch_set_approvals
where patch_sets.change_id = patch_set_approvals.change_id
and patch_sets.patch_set_id = patch_set_approvals.patch_set_id
and revision = '$V{commit}'
and category_id = 'CRVW'
and $relevance
$command = "$SSH \"gerrit gsql -c \\\"$query\\\"\"";
#print LOG "FOR... $command\n";
@lines = qx($command);
chomp @lines;
#print LOG "GOT... ", join("//", @lines), "\n";
# 0=headers 1=separators 2=data 3=count and timing.
return $lines[2];
sub response {
my $review = shift;
return "$SSH 'gerrit review --project=\"$V{project}\" $review $V{commit}'";
# ######################
# Parse options
while ( $_ = shift @ARGV ) {
if (/^--(.*)/) {
$key = $1;
else {
$V{$key} .= " " if exists $V{$key};
$V{$key} .= $_;
#print LOG join("\n", map { "$_ = '$V{$_}'" } keys %V), "\n";
# ######################
# Ignore my own comments
if ($V{comment} =~ /$GATEKEEPER/) {
# print LOG localtime() . "$V{commit}: Ignore $GATEKEEPER comments\n";
exit 0;
# ######################
# Forbear to analyse anything already +2'd
$submittable = count_of_relevant_votes('value = 2');
if ($submittable > 0) {
# print LOG "$V{commit} Already +2'd by someone or something.\n";
exit 0;
# ######################
# Look for a consensus amongst qualified voters.
$plebicite = count_of_relevant_votes($PLEBIANS);
#if ($V{comment} =~ /TEST:(\d)/) {
# $plebicite=$1;
# ######################
# If there's a quorum, approve and submit.
if ( $plebicite >= $QUORUM ) {
$and_submitting = ($AUTO_SUBMIT_ON_QUORACY ? " and submitting" : "");
$review = " --code-review=+2 --message=\"$GATEKEEPER approving$and_submitting due to $plebicite total eligible votes\" $AUTO_SUBMIT_ON_QUORACY";
else {
$review = " --code-review=0 --message=\"$GATEKEEPER ignoring $plebicite total eligible votes\"";
# print LOG "$V{commit}: $review\n";
exit 0;
$response = response($review);
print LOG "RUNNING: $response\n";
$output = qx( $response 2>&1 );
if ($output =~ /\S/) {
print LOG "$V{commit}: output from commenting: $output";
$response = response(" --message=\"During \Q$review\E: \Q$output\E\"");
print LOG "WARNING: $response\n";
$output = qx( $response 2>&1 );
print LOG "ERROR: $output\n";
exit 0;