Executing resolvers one after the other in Angular 2+

One other option is to wrap your dependent routes and use necessary resolver on wrapper.


{ path: '', resolve: { foo$: FooResolver }, children: [
    { path: 'mySubRoute', resolve:  {bar$: BarResolver }, component: BarComponent }

*If you meet with relative path resolving problems, try using

relativeLinkResolution: "corrected"

In forRoot router method. More info here Angular RouterLink relative path does not work in component having empty path

I found a slightly more elegant solution that can be used if you don't care about the results from all of the resolvers:

class FooBarResolver implements Resolve<Observable<any>> {
        protected fooResolver: FooResolver,
        protected barResolver: BarResolver
    ) { }

    resolve(): Observable<any>
        return this.fooResolver.resolve().pipe(

I use this to trigger the data loading in my services. And because they write the data / isLoading / error into an Akita storage, I don't care about the results of the resolvers.

Resolvers are resolved in parallel. If Foo and Bar are supposed to be resolved in series they should be a single FooBar resolver. If they are supposed to be used by themselves in other routes, FooBar can wrap Foo and Bar resolvers:

class FooBarResolver implements Resolve<{ foo: any, bar: any }> {
    protected fooResolver: FooResolver,
    protected barResolver: BarResolver
  ) {}

  async resolve(route): Promise<{ foo: any, bar: any }> {
    const foo = await this.fooResolver.resolve(route);
    const bar = await this.barResolver.resolve(route);

    return { foo, bar };

FooBar should be aware of the fact if it is a promise or an observable that is returned from Foo and Bar in order to resolve them properly. Otherwise additional safety device should be added, like await Observable.from(this.fooResolver.resolve(route)).toPromise().

FooBar and Foo or Bar shouldn't appear within same route because this will result in duplicate resolutions.