Expand an argument into a string

This does work via expansion so as shown works in \typeout as well as the typeset paragraph.


\def\zzA#1{\ifnum\numexpr0#1\relax>0 A\expandafter\zzA\expandafter{\the\numexpr#1-1\relax}\fi}







on the terminal.

Here's an expandable approach using expl3. \Replicate[<tokens>]{<token list>} It will loop over your input <token list> looking for any sequence of digits and replacing them by that amount of repetitions of the input <tokens> (by default A). Everything else that is not a digit will be just forwarded to the output, so you can have things like

\Replicate[Z]{3 \textbf{(2) 2}( 1 )}


enter image description here

Here's the code:

\NewExpandableDocumentCommand \Replicate { O{A} m }
  { \perror_replicate:nn {#1} {#2} }
\cs_new:Npn \perror_replicate:nn #1 #2
    \__perror_replicate_loop:w #2
      \q_recursion_tail \q_recursion_stop {#1} { }
\cs_new:Npn \__perror_replicate_loop:w #1 \q_recursion_stop
    \tl_if_head_is_N_type:nTF {#1}
      { \__perror_replicate_parse_token:N }
        \tl_if_head_is_group:nTF {#1}
          { \__perror_replicate_nested:n }
          { \__perror_replicate_output_space:w }
    #1 \q_recursion_stop
\use:nn { \cs_new:Npn \__perror_replicate_output_space:w } { ~ }
  { \__perror_replicate_output:nw { ~ } }
\cs_new:Npn \__perror_replicate_output:nw #1 #2 \q_recursion_stop #3 #4
  { \__perror_replicate_loop:w #2 \q_recursion_stop {#3} { #4 #1 } }
\cs_new:Npn \__perror_replicate_nested:n #1 #2 \q_recursion_stop #3
    \exp_args:Ne \__perror_replicate_output:nw
      { { \perror_replicate:nn {#3} {#1} } }
    #2 \q_recursion_stop {#3}
\cs_new:Npn \__perror_replicate_end:nn #1 #2 { \exp_not:n {#2} }
\cs_new:Npn \__perror_replicate_parse_token:N #1
    \quark_if_recursion_tail_stop_do:Nn #1
      { \__perror_replicate_end:nn }
    \__perror_replicate_if_digit:NTF #1
      { \__perror_replicate_collect_number:nw }
      { \__perror_replicate_output:nw }
\prg_new_conditional:Npnn \__perror_replicate_if_digit:N #1 { TF }
    \if_int_compare:w 10 < 9 \token_to_str:N #1 \exp_stop_f:
\cs_new:Npn \__perror_replicate_collect_number:nw #1 #2 \q_recursion_stop
    \tl_if_head_is_N_type:nTF {#2}
      { \__perror_replicate_collect_number:nN }
      { \__perror_replicate_finish_number:nw }
    {#1} #2 \q_recursion_stop
\cs_new:Npn \__perror_replicate_collect_number:nN #1 #2
    \quark_if_recursion_tail_stop_do:Nn #2
        \__perror_replicate_finish_number:nw {#1}
        \q_recursion_tail \q_recursion_stop
    \__perror_replicate_if_digit:NTF #2
      { \__perror_replicate_collect_number:nw { #1 #2 } }
      { \__perror_replicate_finish_number:nw {#1} #2 }
\cs_new:Npn \__perror_replicate_finish_number:nw #1 #2 \q_recursion_stop #3
    \exp_args:Ne \__perror_replicate_output:nw
      { \prg_replicate:nn {#1} {#3} }
    #2 \q_recursion_stop {#3}




\Replicate[Z]{3 \textbf{(2) 2}( 1 )}




A piece of cake using LuaLaTeX (but yes, only works with LuaLaTeX):

\directlua{local function myexpand(x,s) return (x:gsub("(\csstring\%d+)", function(u) return s:rep(math.floor(u)) end)) end tex.sprint(myexpand(\luastring{#1},\luastring{#2}))}}

enter image description here