Experiments to find right handed neutrinos
The simplest way to incorporate massive neutrinos into the SM is to make them Dirac particles much like quarks, but with itty-bitty couplings to the Higgs field. Let’s take this much on faith.
The SM predicts that right-handed neutrinos will interact with Higgs scalars but not with W, Z, or photons. Interactions with scalars flip helicities. I cannot think of any experimentally feasible process involving incoming neutrinos and virtual Higgs exchange (e.g., ${{\nu }_{R}}+p\to {{\nu }_{L}}+p$) that would have a telltale signature. Besides being very feeble due to the itty-bitty couplings, such processes would be mistaken for Z exchange, even though there would be a subtle difference in the angular distributions of products.