export a collection and import in another collection using mongodb code example
Example 1: how to export mongodb database to json
sudo mongoexport --db newdb -c restaurants --out newdbexport.json
Example 2: how to export mongodb database
Mongo Export/dump
mongodump --out </path> --db <dbName> --host <hostname:portNo> --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl --username <Remote Db User> --password<Remote Db Password>
mongodump --out ~/Desktop/mongoData/ --db newdata --host cluster0-shard-01-02.xyz.mongodb.net:27017 --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl --username abc --password xyz
Mongo Import/restore
mongorestore </path> --db <dbName> --host <hostname:portNo> --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl --username <Remote Db User> --password<Remote Db Password>
mongorestore ~/Desktop/mongobkup/ --host cluster0-shard-00-02.xyz.mongodb.net:27017 --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl --username abc --password xyz