export notebook to pdf without code

As a generalization of this answer, so that hidecode template could be accessible from multiple locations:

  1. Go into your home directory:

    cd ~/.jupyter
  2. Create jupyter_nbconvert_config.py under this directory.

  3. Write the following into the .py file (Change user_name to your user name):

    c = get_config()
    c.TemplateExporter.template_path = ['.', "~/.jupyter" ]
    c.LatexExporter.template_path = ['.', "~/.jupyter"]
  4. Create a template file under this directory, named hidecode.tplx or hidecode.tpl:

        ((*- extends 'article.tplx' -*))
    ((* block input_group *))
        ((*- if cell.metadata.get('nbconvert', {}).get('show_code', False) -*))
                ((( super() )))
        ((*- endif -*))
    ((* endblock input_group *))
  5. Then, the following should generate a PDF without .ipynb files' codes (Change file_name to your file name):

    jupyter nbconvert --to pdf '<file_name>.ipynb' --template=hidecode.tpl

Here is how I do it: I simply download my notebook as html.

Then run this python script to convert that html file so that prompts and code cells are gone:

FILE = "/somewhere/myHTMLFile.html"

with open(FILE, 'r') as html_file:
    content = html_file.read()

# Get rid off prompts and source code
content = content.replace("div.input_area {","div.input_area {\n\tdisplay: none;")    
content = content.replace(".prompt {",".prompt {\n\tdisplay: none;")

f = open(FILE, 'w')

That script bascially adds the CSS 'display: none' attribute for all divs of class 'prompt' or 'input_area'.

I found this article interesting it explains how to remove the input columns :

you have to create a template file named "hidecode.tplx" in same directory as the notebook you want to convert and add those line in it :

    ((*- extends 'article.tplx' -*))

((* block input_group *))
    ((*- if cell.metadata.get('nbconvert', {}).get('show_code', False) -*))
        ((( super() )))
    ((*- endif -*))
((* endblock input_group *))

And after run this command it will use pdfLatex to convert the notebook in pdf via latex:

jupyter nbconvert --to pdf --template hidecode Example.ipynb

or if you want to edit you can convert it to a .tex document and use pdfLatex to put it in pdf :

jupyter nbconvert --to latex --template hidecode Example.ipynb

EDIT Sept 2018:

ipython nbconvert is deprecated. It will be replaced by jupyter nbconvert: So we replace the command ipython with jupyter

EDIT Feb 2021: (This is my best answer here, so let me take care of it)

Following @Mrule comment adding --no-input flag will make it work without the template...

jupyter nbconvert --to latex --no-input Example.ipynb 

PS: If you are getting issue saying :

LaTeX error related to tcolorbox.sty not found

Please refer to this guide to update your tex installation and this question

I was seeking the same question in SO and finally turned out to a very straightforward way:

Assuming using Firefox(57) + Win7

  1. Run Jupyter notebook and download the notebook in the browser: File->Download as->HTML and you will get a html page with code and output.
  2. Open the exported HTML with browser and activate the browser console with key F12
  3. Run following command in the console:

  4. The code removes all input div DOM. Then right mouse button and chose "Save Page As" and Save the "Complete page" (not single page).

  5. You will get a page with an associated folder in windows. Use a trick by zip the html page and then extract to unbind the associated. The folder is useless.

  6. Now it is a single html page without code. You can re-distribute it or print it as PDF.

If you are not using Firefox or Windows, please adjust the above 3-6 steps.