Export static HTML+CSS+JS from Rails

If you just want to basically copy the website as it will be rendered by rails (and there is no need for server side code execution), you could just mirror the rails-website using

wget --page-requisites --convert-links http://URL-to-Start

However, this will only download those files that are referenced from the entry URL, so you might need to run it on all sub-URLs individually.

Source: Download a working local copy of a webpage

Agree with Screenmutt. I've tried a couple of the ones mentioned but have had most success with:


Does pretty much everything you are asking for and let's you export to static HTML.


gem install middleman

create project:

middleman init my_new_project (or even better with template --template=html5)

run in local server for live edits:

bundle exec middleman

dump static code:

bundle exec middleman build

Perhaps you can 'scrape' the HTML from the localhost serving it?

There seem to be some tools for downloading sites in general... You can probably limit them to download resources from localhost:3000 only.

  • http://www.httrack.com/
  • http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/downloading-entire-web-site-wget