Extending application.cfc in a subdirectory

The following code is working for me. One thing I noticed though is that the application.cfc seems to get cached, so changes to the parent application cfc might not be reflected. I got around this by doing a trivial change to the child application cfc.

<cfcomponent output="false">
        <cfset variables.higherPath = ReReplace(GetMetaData(this).name,"\.[^\.]+\.[^\.]+$","") />
        <cfset variables.extendApp = CreateObject("component", "#variables.higherPath#.Application") />

        <cfloop item="variables.key" collection="#variables.extendApp#">
            <cfif IsCustomFunction(variables.extendApp[variables.key])>
                <cfset super[variables.key] = variables.extendApp[variables.key]>
                <cfset this[variables.key] = variables.extendApp[variables.key] >
        <cffunction name="onApplicationStart" output="false">
            <cfset super.onApplicationStart() />

Sean Corfield has a blog entry explaining how to extend a root Application.cfc.

Below is the relevant information copied from that entry.

Here's your root CFC /Application.cfc:


    <cfset this.name = "cf7app" />
    <cfset this.sessionmanagement = true />


Here's your proxy CFC /ApplicationProxy.cfc:

<cfcomponent extends="Application">

It's completely empty and serves merely to create an alias for your root /Application.cfc. Here's your subdirectory CFC /app/Application.cfc:

<cfcomponent extends="ApplicationProxy">

    <cffunction name="onSessionStart">
        <cfset session.counter = 0 />

    <cffunction name="onRequestStart">
        <cfdump label="application" var="#application#"/>


The root of each individual site should have its own Master App:


All these applications are separate individual apps with nothing shared between them.

If any of these individual sites need to have sub-applications, then there should be ApplicationProxy.cfc alonside the Master,


Then, for each sub-application you have the one that extends the proxy:
