Extending expiry date of facebook access token in graph api beyond 2 months

Short-Term and Long-Term Tokens

User access tokens come in two forms: short-lived tokens and long-lived tokens. Short-lived tokens usually have a lifetime of about an hour or two, while long-lived tokens usually have a lifetime of about 60 days. You should not depend on these lifetimes remaining the same - the lifetime may change without warning or expire early. See more under handling errors.

So the only way left is to regenerate using code just before 60 days.

Make a GET request to graph api and filter out the access token from the JSON response

Get your user id here http://findmyfacebookid.com/



GET /{user-id}/accounts


  "data": [
      "category": "Product/service",
      "name": "Sample Page",
      "access_token": "{access-token}",
      "id": "1234567890",
      "perms": [


You can use following api from facebook to refresh token life to 60 days and just when the token is about to expire, call the same api again with-in 60 days to refresh its life back to 60 days from that point of time Token expire is present in expires parameter and its value is in seconds

Replace CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET with their actual value


in ACCESS_TOKEN, put the actual token value without appending "access_token="