External Monitor not working. Ubuntu, nvidia

I recently installed the nvidia-418 driver on my laptop which uses Ubuntu 18.04. At first the external monitor worked perfectly, but after I switched from power saving mode (sudo prime-select intel) back to performance mode (sudo prime-select nvidia), the second monitor was not detected anymore.

I discovered that prime-select writes a configuration file which causes the problem. It enables the nvidia-drm modeset option. You can simply undo the change made by prime-select by commenting out this option. It will not be reset, because prime-select only writes this file when it does not yet exists.

Open the file in your favorite editor (vim, nano, gedit, etc.).

sudo nano /lib/modprobe.d/nvidia-kms.conf

And comment out the the nvidia-drm modeset option.

# This file was generated by nvidia-prime
# Set value to 0 to disable modesetting
# options nvidia-drm modeset=1

Hope this also helps you and many others!

ps: It is completely normal that the second monitor is not detected in power saving mode when the connection is part of the nvidia graphics card.

I do prefer the solution by thomasnabgelis, but other working solution would be to use lightdm display manager. To do this just run sudo apt-get install lightdm and sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm if not configured after install.

Why this happens? I spent a lot of time trying to understand... nvidia-drm provides anti-tearing solution, though I didn't find any difference with this turning that off. Citation from nvidia forum (topic):

nvidia-drm modeset=1 is needed for tear-free display but since this is enabling linux kms for the nvidia driver, gdm thinks it can use wayland. Having a parallel wayland session makes it somehow impossible for X to detect any outputs on the nvidia gpu

Thanks for all your hints. My second monitor was dead a couple of days ago. I got it working again with the following steps:

  1. sudo nvidia-settings -> if this shows an error, then the nvidia driver is not active
  2. settings > info > software > additional drivers -> switch to current (or not so current) version of nvidia driver. If there is no error, skip step 3.
  3. install missing nvidia-drivers: sudo apt install nvidia-driver-450 (or similar)
  4. reboot
  5. it works (at least for me)

Hope that helps anyone. Cheers, Werner